VMUG Call for Content

VMUG is a global organization with a mission for members to get the most out of VMware and partner solutions. To do this, we create and curate the best content we can. The best content comes from you 

Our members appreciate hearing from peers who share their own experiences with VMware products and solutions. Members who have architected the plancompleted the install, and deployed the upgrade. You might think it needs to be the hot new topic – K8, AI/ML, or digital workspace. Well, you are wrong! Those topics are indeed great, but our data shows a presentation from a peer, no matter the topic, is one of our highest rated sessions for events and online content. 

The reason is simple: we trust each other’s experience because it is real. A peer is presenting to benefit the community. To share the good, bad, and ugly to help others avoid the mistakes and do it better.  

VMUG shares content via events, blogs, video, and podcastWe open our globaCall for Content yearly and invite anyone to submit.  From there, we have a panel of VMUG members vet the content with the goal of getting the best.   

If you have not considered submitting your content, I urge you to.  It is a great way to expand your personal skillset and give back to the community.  If you are hesitant to do thisconsider the benefits for you and the community.   

Sharing your knowledge with others 
You will be surprised how well your message, regardless of what it is, will be received from the community. This is because you are giving the presentation.  Someone who has firsthand experience is always a crowd pleaser.  And don’t think you need a cutting-edge topic. Content on vSphere or basic virtualization technology are perfect for the VMUG community.  Not all sessions should be about the newest technologyThe reality is many in the community are still running their business on tried-and-true software stack. There is nothing wrong with the basics.   

Expand your skillset beyond the technology 
Public speaking is an art many in the IT industry could benefit from doing more of. So many VMUG members have attributed VMUG honing public speaking skills from our events that then lead to career advancement. The person who has the technical skills combined with the interpersonal skills will be able to find employment anywhere. This is a skill that can be learned and is open to anyone. One step is to speak at a VMUG event (webcastslocal meetings, UserCons, virtual events, and more). 

Do it already 
As we kick-off the call for content season we need more end users to speak. If you have hesitations, start out with a local meeting. Local meetings are smaller and with people you know. There you will learn public speaking can be enjoyable!  
My challenge to you is to do it already – get out there and present. It is time well spent. 



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